The Tour de Suisse in


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Champagne is a dynamic and welcoming municipality in the canton of Vaud, located between Neuchâtel and Yverdon-les-Bains near the castle of Grandson.

Among the wooded foothills of the Jura, between vineyards and fields, it overlooks the smiling shores of Lake Neuchâtel and offers visitors a view of beautiful country houses.

The population of over 1,000 inhabitants is anchored in the village. It is made up of entrepreneurs, craftspeople, farmers, winegrowers, traders and employees. The products from Champagne, especially wine and food, have made it famous.

Many villagers are active in local associations, which explains the strong social ties that have been needed to organize large events for many years.

Champagne is continuing its development with numerous projects that will further develop the village. Over the next few years, a school and sports campus will be built near the new synthetic soccer pitch, adding to the range of activities on offer throughout the region.

After the 2016 stage, the inhabitants and authorities are delighted to welcome another stage of the Tour de Suisse in Champagne and invite you to celebrate this event with them.


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